
By MamaOfBoys

Bug circus

Anyone want tickets to the bug circus we have going on here? No?

I feel defeated.

I'm tired.

Bugs are running my house at the moment, I'm cleaning up after them.

Thursday night Harper woke with fever and vomiting. Friday morning still unwell I took him to my doctor. She did a strep test and a faint second line appeared on the test so she is treating him for it. She thinks it's the beginning of strep.

Last night his fever shot up again.

Today I noticed when we gave him his medicine he had ulcer like sores on his lips, I looked in his mouth and his gums were red and swollen.

Andre took him to the after hours and they said cold sore virus. Marley had it when he was little. Apparently when they're little and contract the virus it comes out nasty.

They weren't sure if the spots my gp thought were pox were connected to the cold sore virus. The cold sore virus and chicken pox virus are related so who knows anymore!! I seriously give up.

I pondered whether then mar did indeed have pox but 2 doctors thought it was and it's too late anyway he's been off.

They didn't want to treat Harper with already being on antibiotics and to let the cold sore virus run its course which is about 7 days.

I cleaned, scrubbed and washed most of my house today. I opened windows, changed sheets vacuumed every where. I wanted the house to feel and be totally clean after all the bugs floating around.

I feel helpless with my babes being unwell it's just been one thing after the other.

Harper is a complete dadda's boy when he's sick. I caught this of them having a cuddle in the shower while Andre tried to cool him down.

Harper has no energy and just wants to be carried so we've been taking turns having him in the back pack while we cleaned.

Late this afternoon I took a walk to my in laws to borrow some cleaning stuff. On the way home as I waited for a break in traffic I just stood in the sun with my eyes closed. I could have slept. I felt like crying - not from sadness just a let it out type cry. A tired, i feel I'm losing the battle against bugs, I feel I've been doing this for weeks type cry.

I didn't. I went home and cleaned the carpet where Kanye had artistically drawn a doodle with a marker he found.

Andre's been amazing. As well as caring for sick baby, he did a lot of cleaning today and cooked dinner.

At least it can't get any worse right? My nurse friend it's good for their immune system as hard as it is all this stuff. She's probably right.

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