
..today has been foul. Windier than yesterday, and heavy rain too.

Didn't stop the Shinty 6's day though. Marquee's survived the wind overnight.
Teams started arriving about 10, some coming from the Isle of Lewis, some from Fort William, plus more local teams, twelve in total..

They've been running around all day, rain or shine. Looked at some through the telescope, and the backs of their shirts were blowing well in the wind..

Went down the hall to set up the bar for tonight's dance, but not going down. My hands are really quite sore after doing the Marquees. I pulled the bungee straps quite tight to stop the sides blowing in the wind, and we had to re-do one Marquee because we used too many (some from the second one!). I have splits in my thumb, middle and little fingers on my right hand. Grazes on the knuckles, and they're quite swollen.

So, fire's lit, and I'll probably fall asleep watching a film instead!!..

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