On the way..

..to the next milestone..

My milestone event yesterday received stars and hearts (4) and many comments. I thank you all so much, that meant a lot receiving the comments.. And, enough stars to put my picture in the spotlight.. Something I never thought I'd acheive. Thanks again..

Now, onwards and upwards (if that's possible!).

A beautiful day again, spent the morning hoeing weeds amongst the beans. A nice job, not too strenuous, and don't need to concentrate too much.. Until Tanni comes along with a frisbee, or tennis ball!!

Called into the shop in the afternoon, and ten the lodge garden to see how things are progressing (all doing well), and then a run on the beach before doing a harvest. As it was so warm, Tanni couldn't wait to get in the water, and went in many times.

Harvest, and delivery, had some good Kohl Rabi today.. And then the egg run tonight.. A few more eggs than least week, but still not quite enough. Next week should be fine..

Opening ceremony for the new Sports Pavilion tomorrow, and the Far North shinty sixes competition. Teams coming from far and wide, and the forecast is very good for it.. Should be a good day..


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