Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

On a cloud of cotton wool..

..(Or clematis fluff) sits this little green chap/chapess.

The babies have been sitting on clematis leaves for a week or more, and I've been waiting for one to make a move to the more photogenic (and comfy?) background.

In other news...
I bought a pair of trousers today, under the strict condition that I have to throw a pair out. This is such a good philosophy.
I buy it totally.
But oo-er, which pair to throw out..?? 
Why am I such a hoarder?
I still own trousers (and other stuff) that I wore decades ago.
I love tidiness, and don't want my cupboards full to bursting.

AND.. Why do I still, despite my own Good Intentions, keep stuff for 'best', when 'best' doesn't even really exist in my world anymore.

Therapist anyone?  :-/

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