Someone we met this week recommended the drive along Lochbuidhe so once the rain had cleared we set off, only to find that the road was closed half way round. It seemed something to do with large electricity pylons. And we had followed cows and calves being herded along the road by a Landrover with an eager sheepdog in the open truck at the back wanting to show how it was done properly. When the road turned to mud we left the cows to the very long walk and headed back, but we did see Red-throated Diver, a beautiful Merlin, and a Grey Wagtail who was content to preen in the road until we beeped at him. We did not see another vehicle so perhaps road-preening is de rigueur in the Highlands.

This is a cottage way out along the road, a long way back for your milk and newspapers. Nice though.

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