Gable Erratic

By MsGable


A very hot and sunny day and a very hot and dusty walk up to see a Golden Eagle. Our patience was rewarded as G found one sitting on a summit rock. It then flew up and did a bit of displaying before flying off into the distance. Lots of Hawkers (an extra photo) and Damselflies, and Stonechats catching them.

Then after a late lunch we drove to Huisinish for a wander. This is where in 2009 we met the photographer Lynne Evans, who was touring the Outer Hebrides with her camera, and managed to get out to Scarp on a workman's boat.

I was hoping to take a photo which appears in Ian Lawson's Harris Tweed book, but there was a Landrover parked in the way. It would never have been a success anyway. 

Other extra is a rock at Huisinish which I would love to take home, probably on a low-loader.

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