For the family

By RonaMac

Those were the days!!

When smokers, male & female, carried a cigarette case in their pocket or handbag!! And it was seen to be fashionable / acceptable / the norm!!
These belonged to my father & mother-in-law and have been found in the "sorting out process" for father-in-law (referred to in this journal as "G'dad"). Inside the ladies case there are 5 Senior Service cigarettes.

I've had a play with the bit of kit to clean them up.

I've never smoked, my parents did and I used to think it was such a waste of money!! As a student nurse I used to watch some of my friends sharing the last fag when they were broke, which was usually the last 3 weeks of the month. They would have a puff and pass it on!! If it wasn't finished by the end of break time, the lit end would be cut off and the tab would be saved for the next time! We all have our vices, but smoking was never one of mine!!

I have refrained from linking to a clip of Mary Hopkins singing "Those were the days". Those of you who know the words can sing along and those who don't have a "scoobies" can Google it!!

Out this evening to a clinical workshop in Hertfordshire on a subject not suitable for dinner table discussion. I'm not speaking, but will be listening carefully!!

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