Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

too cold for swimming

Even the dogs thought the loch was too cold for a swim with the strong north westerly blowing up the loch. Dris has spotted the geese bobbing in the choppy water.

A morning of filing and paying bills and more paperwork followed by a wee fire of all the paper needing to be burnt. Mucked out the front of the pick up where it had half our clothes and numerous other junk and rubbish in it. Bit tidier now. My mum visited for lunch and on leaving found she had a puncture, we offered to give her a hand. We both regret that. These new cars are a joke when did it become so complicated to change a wheel!!??!! An hour and a half later and we were able to send her on her way!

12c 17mph NW sunshine with cold wind.

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