Another Knott Man
Today's the day ......................... to look at the view
Despite all the years that I have lived in Kendal, I have never walked up to the top of Arnside Knott.
I have admired it from afar, from many angles. I have walked round it and near it - but never actually made my way to the trig point and looked at the views on the way. But today, Will and I set the record straight and did exactly that - and needless to say, the views are stunning in every direction. This is looking northwards over the Kent Estuary with the railway viaduct that often features in gladders blips crossing it - and then on to the Lake District Fells in the far distance.
Oh - and the other 'first' was a chance meeting with Mr & Mrs Knottman2, also residents of that hallowed part of the country ..............................
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