Blowing in the Wind

It has been all go for me today. First there was acupuncture and he left the needles in for just about two hours today. He said my neck was really tense. My knee were sore today as I had near miss, fall in the shower the other day that upset my knees and shoulders. 

I had just enough time to have some lunch after acupuncture before it was off to the peddle class at 1:30. After class we went and found a cafe that was still open as my friend hadn't had lunch and I had a coffee. We had a good catch up and I have only just arrived home.

I was a really lovely day with the sun shinning but there was a strong Nor'West wind blowing at times. The leaves of this tree were blowing all over the place and it was hard to get a really good shot.

In autumn when the trees are brown
The little leaves come tumbling down
They do not make the slightest sound
But lie so quietly on the ground
Until the wind comes puffing by
And blows them off towards the sky.
Poem by John Muir

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