Red Squirrel


I Wish .....

.... I could be in that boat - or one just like it - moving down the River Yare towards a mooring in a quiet, peaceful, nature filled place - away from the hustle and bustle and cares of everyday life. After an awful night with less than 3 hours of sleep (I heard the start of the dawn chorus just before I finally fell into the arms of Morpheus), the thought of settling down for the night in such a place is just what I could do with - the stillness, the sounds of nocturnal wildlife and of water swirling around the hull. Perhaps the lapping would be just the thing to help lull me into a deep, peaceful sleep. I wish .....

See a bigger wish.

I had to visit the opposite side of Norwich to County Hall this morning, so on my way back at lunchtime I stopped at Riverside near to Pulls Ferry , and sat for a while taking in the fresh air (i.e. trying to wake myself up as I'm so, so tired!), Then I walked up onto Bishhops Bridge just as this cruiser (privately owned obviously) came toward and under the bridge. As the rear emerged and it started to proceed upstream I felt envious and thought what a lovely blip it might make. I'm glad I had my camera to hand ......

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