
By BrownBuddy1


I woke up this morning with one word on my mind "cooking".
For me that is the worst feeling ever.
I love having visitors but worry dreadfully about how to feed them.
I just hate cooking, not quite so bad as ironing, that's the pits!, but worse than dusting and hovering.
I am no domestic goddess as Tom will agree

BUT I had this brilliant idea, the owner of the new café in Fortrose was telling me one time when I was praising her takeaway soup, that she also cooks for people, she does everything from weddings to the occasional quiche. So I have ordered a quiche, a casserole and the Bolognese part of a spag bol. I think I could manage the spaghetti!

Suddenly I felt so much better,  to celebrate I took the dogs for a long walk on the beach. We all benefit from my brilliant idea, the café owner for a bit more business, the dogs are no longer deprived of their walks, I am worth speaking to once more so Tom doesn't have to hide away and my sister and brother-in-law will arrive to a house with delicious food awaiting them. (Needless to say my sister is a brilliant cook, Mary Berry has nothing on her!)

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