
By Fizz

Done and dusted.....

...well, almost. Still a few bits and pieces to box up, and still can't decide what to do with this. 8th of September seems like an age ago, the original moving out date. But due to one thing and another, it's happening this weekend.

It's funny when you see your lifes possesions like this. Many of these things I will not see now for a very long time. Sorry, possesions, but of you go into storage! I'm not a one to get attatched to material possesions, but as I boxed some of this stuff up, I had to laugh at some of the memories that they brought back. The bags of shoes made me laugh the most. Oh, if my shoes could talk, the stories they could sell (deliberate mis-spell. I'll let you work that one out ;-) !)
So, bye bye stuff. We'll meet again soon, for you to be liberated and placed in your rightful corner of the world.

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