Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

A Heath Robinson Affair

Amongst my family and friends, my skills at DIY are legendary. Not in a good way, you understand? No, there are few things that I can't put my mind to and make a mess of. Flat pack dressing table? No problem; I'll just put the cupboards at the wrong ends so the doors open the wrong way. Replace a kitchen tap? Well it worked, and didn't leak, but I'd love to have seen the look on the face of the people I sold the house to when they looked under the sink.

Today's task was a little less daunting. W had left a bowl of dessicated coconut and dried fruit in the kitchen this morning. Once I had established it was not intended for her breakfast (she has different ideas to me over what constitutes a breakfast ingredient) but was in fact out-of-date produce, it fell to me to make some sort of 'fatty ball' for the birds to eat. That in itself was not a problem; plenty of beef dripping and additional nuts and oats, but then came the question of how it could be suspended so the birds could eat it, but without making a mess when they did. It may not be pretty, but this is the result.

Nothing's eaten it yet.

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