Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Marching band, tent shopping & lazy day Sunday!

Will and I headed over to a place called Winfields today which is an outdoors centre so it sells everything from Swimming gear to camping equipment. We went over to have a browse but Will also wanted a good sleeping bag as the one he has taken previously on fishing trips and treks have never been right. However we didnt just leave with a sleeping bag we both decided to buy a tent. We got a 4 man tent so it was nice and cosy for us both. I havent been camping for years, so i really want to try it again and this time with Will.
I didnt get my sleeping bag today as I was being fussy and wanted a pretty one. We had a cheeky ice-cream there then headed back to his house.
My blip today is a collaboration of some different things from today such as the tent, Wills dog Ghurt being a silly one and also of the Marching band which came past Wills house in the afternoon. They were fantastic and we were both watching them from the window as they marched on by.

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