Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I should of really called it change.

Basically today was officially my last day at university as I got my final marks. Pretty pleased actually, for this project (hot glass) I got a first. Which considering I was getting thirds at the beginning of year and failing things, I came up on top. Maybe I should explain this a bit more, it's about Mindfulness and the way we judge and view people. I used homeless people as an example but you catch my drift.

But I'll tell you what isn't fun. Job hunting, not only online but in store. Online is worse though, I swear to god if I have to make some bullshit account with some weird job agency I will cry. I must of typed my name about 100 times. It's been awful. And tragic. All I want is pennies, like why don't people understand this.

Anyways, diet is also going awful.

Happy Blipping.

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