Times Of My Life

By CarolB

A Gone Fishin' kinda day

Busy, busy, busy and hot, hot, hot.

I'm on holiday now for a week, and today I was taking my Mum and my cousin Vi (who is the same age as Mum, and has come down from Lossiemouth for a few days) out for lunch.  Vi is very deaf, and my Mum is not very mobile, so we were not planning to go far to be honest.  In the end, we had lunch in a restaurant near where my sister works so that she could join us. 

Lunch was tasty, and the service was great.  We went for a wee drive afterwards, before I took Vi back to her hotel to meet up with the friends she was travelling with. 

Earlier, I had been hurtling round the town trying to find a last minute birthday gift for G (his birthday is tomorrow - so that was really last minute!)  I'm usually more organised, but I was stumped completely for what to get him.  Had just decided to get him a ticket for the festival he always goes to in July (Wickerman, in the Scottish Borders), when he announced that he didn't know if he wanted to go this year.

Anyway, he's now getting a very expensive bottle of 16 year old single malt from Islay (Lagavulin), and a DVD of the 7th and final series of 'Sons of Anarchy', which has never been shown on TV in Britain, due to some argument between the networks. 

Now - some may say that The Wire and / or Breaking Bad are the best TV series ever made.  Do Not Believe Them!  The Shield, and The Sons of Anarchy are the best, although both were subject to being shuttled and shuffled about from one day of the week to the next, being screened at ridiculous times, or cancelled completely with no warning. 

We watched all 6 previous series of Sons, so were gutted not to be able to watch the 7th, so you can imagine my delight when I found it in - of all places - Tesco!  I'm really looking forward to settling down on the sofa with a glass of nice peaty Lagavulin and the entire series to watch back to back - although I might have to wait to be invited, since they are not my birthday presents! 

After tea, G cut the grass, and I headed down to Burntisland to pick up all the picnic and barbecue stuff I had lent them earlier in the year - I just want to have it all to hand for the barbecue at the weekend.  Every time I pass this trout fishing loch on the way there, I think how pretty and peaceful it is. 

What a nice way to spend a warm summer evening - sitting on a very calm little loch, casting the occasional fly onto the water. 

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