Tractor Tuesday - Same

What a wonderful day!

At long last didn't have to keep an eye out for delivery trucks as I now had a tracking number for the awaited bee parcel. Had two very long overdue parcels to send off to the children in UK & Eire, so set off to Ottobeuren.

As it was a miserable weather wise day, did the dog walk in the Bannwald above the town. On getting out of the car we were spoken to by a man who had been sitting in his car. He was interested in the dogs, especially having seen me lift Flash out. Turned out to be a hunter from the neighbouring village of Hawangen and in the car, he had his young Bayerischer Gebirgsschweißhund - Bavarian Mountain Hound, a very old breed especially used by hunters to track wounded animals. Like MrB's German Roughhaired Pointer, these dogs are for best for professional or very active amateur hunters/foresters. They need a strong hand and lots of work. We chatted for I suspect nearly 30 minutes.

Then set off and very soon bumped into another pensioner who was collecting "storm wood". Quite normal here if you want firewood to go to the forestry office and be given an area where you can clear away any fallen/leftover wood. Nowadays with machines doing 90% of the work, there is often a lot of good wood left lying. Although pensioned off he still works occasionally at a local wood mill where he was employed for 46 years. I have often bought building wood from the mill.

Just an aside but an important one which came up three times today - the whole matter of UK & European Union. For the G7 meeting at the weekend, the border controls were reintroduced. A side effect was 6,600 offences against the entry/immigration laws, 2100 asylum seekers, 59 people with an arrest warrant, 679 on the wanted list ...... never mind the drugs.......... Naturally, this has horrified the authorities and will no doubt help the UK call for more controls. However, the "top level" idea of a United Europe is so important. We have had peace now in Europe for 70 years - the wood seeking pensioner mentioned he was a refugee from the war and straight away broke into tears when he mentioned it. Just 20 years ago, British soldiers were fighting in the Balkans, now part of Europe. Would Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Hungary even Poland, be free at the moment if they hadn't been in the EU?

Moved on after a 10-minute chat and then only bumped into two other dog owners, each with a short 5-minute chat.

Back home for lunch, a bit of work around the house and then set off late afternoon to the bee supply shop 20 minutes away to get some wax foundation for the frames. Normally only open Friday and Saturday morning, they also do 2 hours on Tuesday evening in summer. Owners very chatty and I yet again bought something I didn't need - a pith helmet style hat with a removable veil. Looks so colonial British, I had to have it. Have never seen one here before.

On the way, home & despite 11°C on the car thermometer, unloaded the dogs for a quick walk down a very isolated track Angie and I had taken last year. We had seen a farm which looked interesting in it's rather unique and idyllic position. We were about 1 mile away from this farm when a car slowly came up the track. I thought it was the local hunter who was about to have a go at me for walking with dogs off the lead at this time of day, exactly when the hunters take up position. However, it turned out to be the owner of the above-mentioned farm. Sitting on the passenger seat was his Border Collie and he stopped for a chat. After 15 minutes or so, he insisted I went back to the car and drove down to his farm.

An hour or so and a beer later, We eventually made our way home! Had a great time. Lovely old farmhouse interior - "urig" as they say here - down to earth rustical. Open beams, wood burning glass fronted cooking stove - simple and homely. Farmer is officially a pensioner, is now single and rents out a flat to a landscape gardener who helps out when free on the farm. He has 200  sheep, very unusual for this part of the world.

Far too many things in common to describe here but no doubt he will feature on Blip another day. Took the opportunity to Blip one of his SIX Same tractors - I had complained at the local habit of never selling one's old tractors - he laughed and said here farmers liked to have a tractor for each implement! For his real needs, one tractor would not be fully employed!

Had to photograph as an "Extra Photo", his beer fridge being guarded by his 6-year-old BC Sophie (identical to Luna in looks but even more "bitchy"!). The fridge is very typical Bavarian - all made of wood and fed by the local river.

On the drive home in the village of Engetried saw a typical Bavarian music group brass band in full costume playing outside a local restaurant/pub. Had to stop and Blip them. Parked badly up a side street with lights still on but I was only going to take a snap and clear off, after all, it was nearly 8:30 pm and I told Angie I would be home at 6:00 pm. Half an hour later I moved the car when a JCB Fastrac had to work it's way slowly past the car.

Turned out to be a belated 65th birthday "present" to the landlord from the village band. There were only 3 or 4 spectators who were connected with band members but they were incredibly friendly as I crept around with the camera. Even the landlord asked if he could have copies of the pictures. It was really cool (11°C) but I found it wonderful. I am still trying to get some short videos on to Flickr. The band have been in Berlin, Rome (Pope) and Brasil this year - I guess the village has 300 inhabitants!

Quick snap turned in to an hour and eventually home in the dark, luckily Angie had cooked and at about 11:00 pm I sat down to eat. Tired but felt very happy - loads of nice people, a wonderful day for the spirit if not for the suntan!

PS Tractor freaks: Can't remember much about the Same. I think a 55hp Minitauro model from the late '70s.

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