No Backbone

Having recently complained about politicians not sticking to their beliefs, I guess I will have to put up with some cajouling from the Blip back rows.

It's been well over 30°C and the air temperature on the terrace closer to 40°C. Even I was getting tempted. In the late afternoon got out the themometer and tested the water. 29.6°C ....0.4°C below the required minimum!

Throwing caution and clothing to the wind I went in and was promptly Bliped.

With the heat due to remain with us for one more day, I might even repeat the torture tomorrow. We are very lucky here - this is the 4th hot day without the slighest threat of thunderstorms. If we are lucky they might not come until Wednesday. Northern Germany is already being hit with flash flooding.

This Whitsun has been the warmest on record. We actually have many of our peonys just starting in bloom - here they are called Whitsun Roses - but it's been many years since they appeared on time.

Thanks Rik-give em hell the b..............

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