Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


Another poor photo by me. Although I'm a tad sad the quality of my pics is sliding, and I'm not gettin much commenting done, I hope I will look back on this one during my journal with strong memories. My favourite thing about blipping is that really does capture a moment in time, visually and narratively (is that the right word?)

I'm really not sleeping at all so after an exhausting day I have put operation sleep in place. Done some exercises, trying to mild sleep tablets, hot shower and in bed at a reasonable time. I'm actually that tired that I went to buy the sleep tablets and left them in the basket! What a plum. Thankfully J was prepared to trek out and try again for me.

Bit of an emotionally draining afternoon. A funeral for an old friend who dated my mum for about 6 years when I was growin up. It was very sad really. I'd not seen or heard from him for a long time but the way people spoke of him at the service, and their impressions of him when they recounted stories really reminded me of what he was like. Never been to a funeral where that's happened before, I could kinda see him in my head and hear his voice once people began reminding me of his little "kevinisms".
For a man with now family, he had a massive group of people at his funeral.

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