Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Bank holiday Tuesday

This is gareth, or carrot as L calls him. He's my mums partner and the kids think he's great fun.

Didn't sleep till 3am this morning so hoping I do better tonight.

Had some friends over this afternoon. 9 kids & 3 adults in a small house was chaos. I don't usually mind, in fact I like a busy home but my girls got a bit silly, showing off, and a few things got broken, some of the house rules were ignored and pretty much every item of their rooms was emptied on the floor including Lego and play mobile.

Left the kids sorting out their stuff while I dashed to my mums to measure the alterations for Ls bridesmaid dress. Got home and went absolutely loopy at them for not putting it away properly. All stuffed under the bed and balanced on top of each other, things dumped behind drawers so they can ignore them.

We were just talking through todays events over dinner, all apologising to each other and trying to keep the peace when E starts scratching her head. Nits! Total pain and kept the girls up late but glad I realised before their haircuts on Friday.

Bit of a crazy day really. Being tired doesn't help but also not doing as much with the kids over half term as we usually would probably contributing. Feeling a bit guilty about it all.

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