living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

The Dragon... what this ride is called, according to Cleo- or the train. It was a wet wet wet play day today at the park but it was lovely to meet with some other slingy mamas and Cleo didn't seem to mind running around in the rain with her friends! I do hate weather like this, though- especially after being taunted by the lovely hot sun a few weeks ago. Our clothes just won't dry properly as it's slightly too warm to have the radiators on but not warm enough to dry them and too wet to hang outside and it's bloody JUNE! *sigh*

Note to Cleo- sitting on the potty and making a "SSSSSSSS" noise is not the same as actually going. Now I don't mind if you go or not, really, but let's just stop the pretence! Ok, it is pretty cute... soooo, never mind.

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