living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Funny Face

A bit over-exposed but still cute, my boy. He's been making this funny siren like noise "AAAAHaaaaaaaahhAAAAAAAAHHHaaaaahhh." I need an audiolink or something but for now that will have to do. Actually, the link would never work as the boy goes mute when any type of recording device comes out...

Not much going on today. Rain. Again. Cleo made her first crafty thing from our Messy Mama craft kit. Her she is immersed in the artistic process and here is the finished product(it's a flower!) with what looks like a mad scientist holding it, but it's really just Cleo. I do love the craft kit. I always forget to do crafty things with her and she really loves it so the kit gives me creative things for us to do together that I would never have thought of! You can find them HERE!

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