
By Croft16

Narrow leaved plantain..'ve probably guessed, but I like my wild flowers. This is one that's often overlooked.

There are several plantains native to the British Isles. This is plantago lanceolata, or Ribwort plantain, one of the commonest, along with plantago major, Great plantain, or Rat's tail plantain..

The leaves give it away being long and strappy..

Been sorting a few beds out in the tunnel. Stripped out some old salds, and re-sowed some new beds. I'm starting to run out, and unless they start growing quickly, may be short for the hotel. I'll find some others.

I've decided that split cropping beds, planting a crop of salad amongst the tomatoes, doesn't do the tomatoes much good. They've gone a bit leggy, and look malnourished. So been feeding them too.

Filled the car with courgette and pumpkin plants, so full that G and tanni had to walk down the croft. All planted out in beds, around 100 plants in 4" pots.. And still got more to do tomorrow.. Trying a few butternut squashes outside too!..

A cold grey start to the day, but warming up through the afternoon. Not really cold, just felt it. Minimum temps are still in single figures, around 7, 8, 9 degrees..

Sowed some more Pak Choi and lettuce seeds afterwards..

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