
By Croft16


..harvest for the hotel, while G went to Yoga in KLB. Invoice done, and delivered. Took some pics from the viewpoint at the top of Kylesku brae, but it was a bit overcast..

Been weeding again, went over a patch on the brassica plot twice with the push hoe. Getting a nice tilth now that should be easy to keep clean to the late summer when I'll plant out the winter cabbages, winter kales, and spring purple sprouting broccoli's..

Then down the bottom, and push hoed a bit, and then hand weeded the peas and beans. Push hoed between the rows and hand hoed round the parsley rows.

Took Tanni for a run on the beach, and then did a bit more hand hoeing, before coming back up the hill at 5:30..

Tea, and then out for a walk on the hill behind the house.
This shot looking South towards Eddrachilles Bay, with Drumbeg in the distance on the other side of the bay..

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