
By cowgirl


Not a horse! Thought you might be getting a bit horsed out, so here's my first fully opened rose, called Harry something.

A lovely warm day, perfect for a lunchtime hack in the woods with a friend ( and neighbour as it happens ) who keeps a couple of horses at the stables. Sarah and her mare Tyhe ( her full name is Welsh and begins Tyhen but I can't remember the second part of it, so we call her Ty, which is then written Tyhe ) babysat us as it was Layla's first time in the woods.

She did really well, even crossing the wide stream/small river ( when is a stream a river? ) after much snorting the first time, but without any bother the second or third times.

Just time for a quick sandwich before shooting off for an afternoon at the other stables. The time flies so fast - suddenly its home time, shower, dinner, see to our animals and then settle down for the last episode of Springwatch.

The big story this year has been Simon the stickleback's fight to attract the girlies and have fry of his own ...

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