Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Happy drip

It's been raining nearly all day again here in Shrewsbury but who would have thought that it's been raining smiley faces!!! I blipped lots of different things through the open patio doors and took lots of raindrops into puddles hoping to catch a decent drip blip. I was amazed when I saw this face on the computer afterwards! I've cropped it slightly to make it bigger and that's blurred it a bit but I can definitely see a smiley face. It brightened my day anyway :-)

Apart from taking about 120 photos in 10 minutes, I've also been painting. I managed to do all of the undercoat today, which took AGES, and one coat on one wall. I'm using a tin of leftover paint for three of the walls but it's full of bits so I need to go and get some more first thing in the morning to get the walls finished. The room is coming together now and I'm still hopeful to have it all finished by the time we go back to school on Monday.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for an improvement in the weather tomorrow; this half-term has been a wash-out.

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