Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

The Bee

Ok. I have a confession to make....
I have a phobia - of bees and wasps. I'm happy with spiders, flies, rats ... any other creature, apart from these. 
But, I've noticed other blippers superb pictures of them. And the best way to deal with a phobia is to step by step face it. Over the last few years I have been addressing my fear of bees, to the point my garden is a bee friendly garden, and I can generally garden in the summer (unless they get too close!).

Well, I had to get up close to take this. Its an 85 mm lens, so my hands were not that far from the bee. But I figured that Mr Bee was far more interested in the abundance of flowers. Stick me by a table laden with food and I'm not going to pay a great deal of attention to anything else....

So here is my Flower Friday, and one of the many bees now in my garden. I am coping well. Just don't ask me to do the same with wasps. 

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