Friday: The Boys

As you are know, we are lucky to have made a lot of good friends here in Croatia.  One of these is Bojan, seen here on the left, who has become a really good friend.  He has an interesting background, which I will tell you about another time.

Anyway, this evening he invited me to a craft beer event in a part of Zagreb I don't often go to.  He'd also invited a few of his school friends, seen here.   I have to say, a most excellent evening was had.  Me, and five guys - one having already departed.....

Do you want to play a game?  Do you want to guess which of these, from left to right, is:

a) an orthopaedic surgeon
b) a representative of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
c) a Catholic Jesuit priest, working with refugees
d) a government Deputy Minister

Do names help?  We have here Bojan, Jan, Stipe and Tvrtko.

Answers on a postcard, please!

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