Saturday: Zagreb Pride

Last week, it was Split, this week it was Zagreb Pride.  It was a scorcher of a day and what a brilliant turn out too!  I am terrible at trying to estimate numbers but it was probably in the region of 8,000.

Newman and C suggested lunch beforehand so we met for burgers at 'Yellow Submarine', before attending the march together.  As for the spectators, the responses were either very supportive or just slightly bemused.  The only expression, and gesture, of downright disapproval I saw was from a small girl, maybe about 8 years old.  I thought that was really sad - she's too young to react like that so someone must have taught her.

The march was about two and half km long and finished in a park in town.  We sat on the grass and enjoyed some cold beers afterwards.  All in all, an excellent day.


Adding to the excellent day, I have also finished 'Game of Thrones 2: A Clash of Kings' - it was a good read but, blimey, it was long.  I really thought I was never going to finish it - I rather suspected someone was sneaking in and adding extra pages!

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