not the cricket (& no photo)

The highlight of the day could have been the cricket if it had not been ruined by a rain shower and Duckworth-Lewis. England lost by a narrow margin. If the game had not been rain affected it could have close and certainly not a manufactured anti-climax.

Watching Sky Sports for many hours in the evening taxed my patience (as usual) -not just the Ads, not just the fact that its so many of the same Ads but more much more - I feel an open letter to the Sky Sports Cricket production team building up and at any moment spilling out on to the Internet.

Earlier I did a good deed and painted the long awaited 2nd coat of waterproofing for the flat roof at Mum and Dad's house - fixed the roof while the sun was shining!

The antidote to all the stresses and disappointments of the day was Beethoven Piano Concerto number 2 Daniel Barenboim playing and conducting - thanks to my subscription to

At this stage that is money better spent than on Sky Sports but I have a plan to improve the coverage if they would only listen.

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