The Fishing Lesson

This was a Goldilocks morning…not too hot, not too cold, but juuust right. Warmer temperatures were predicted for later in the day, and it being Saturday, a lot of people were out early walking, kayaking, riding bikes, skateboards and scooters and fishing.

A young man addressed a group of older people in big floppy hats about the joys of kayaking, while they all looked dubiously at a row of boats lined up behind them near the boat ramp. Out on the lake, a man in a green kayak zipped around the lake, his orange paddles flashing in and out of the water.

Many of the walkers had dogs with them. There was the usual complement of labradors, bulldogs, border collies and golden retrievers, but My favorite was a large grey haired man walking a tiny chihuahua, whose little legs were  moving so fast they were almost a blur. The man's expression was easy to read, "It's my wife's dog…."

The group of dads and sons was clustered by the lakeshore intent on learning the finer points of fishing, while one of the younger boys kicked a ball around while the other one, jumped from one foot to the other saying, "but I want to put a worm on my own hook!" I was impressed with the attention of the other boys, considering the fact the I find the whole process to be unbearably boring. Looks like a couple of the dads might feel the same way I do….

This afternoon Dana and OilMan finished planting roses and irrigating the petunias and succulents on the expanded "mound garden", while I made some deviled eggs for a garden party we are going to in the neighborhood.  Blake wandered around the slopes looking for some irrigation to destroy…a destressor after a tiring trip through Walmart with his siblings where he had to behave….Jim just called to see if we had extra irrigation tubing and droppers. Apparently Blake has been hard at work in their back yard too….

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