Off Limits

"They've climbed the peaks, but now they DO appear to be rolling down the other side of the hill…."
--John Champion speaking of the Spanish team after it was soundly defeated by The Netherlands

I'm becoming a convert to "The Beautiful Game" after this stunning match. We Americans are very familiar with the basic rules of the game, having watched our kids play from from the time they were six. OilMan and Dana both coached teams, and Dana and Matt both played in high school. Dana would have played in college until she t=realized that the practices at UC Davis were held in August when temperatures over 100 degrees were not unusual. For some reason, this is about when most Americans give up on the game. We just don't support the game as it is played in much of the rest of the world.

I must confess that I would much prefer to watch "futbol" than football, the American game, which is graceless, vicious and brutal. Not to put too fine a point on it.

I took a picture of the field where Ozzie loves to walk, because it is one of the few places in Sonoma County where he doesn't have to be on a leash. There is a small creek down in the trees, which has a little water in it year round. It's not so nice to walk here once the grass is dry, and now that Ozzie has been to the vet twice for foxtails in his nose, it is off limits.

Looks like we'll be going to the beach more this summer….

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