
By momcat1

What service!

OK, very bad pun. You may ( or may not) recognize the tree is a service tree. Also sometimes listed as sarvis tree. They are somewhere between a tree and a bush as they are small tree height but a group of stems or trunks rather than a single trunk. They get pretty white flowers in spring, red berries in early summer and the leaves turn a nice red in the fall. In short : a tree for all seasons. Birds love them for the berries,which is the main reason I planted one. The waxwings love this tree. They don't even wait for the berries to turn red. It will be stripped in a few days. Though last year 4 or 5 at a time would head to the tree and groups would take turns, this year I have not seen more than 3 at a time.I actually have a closer photo from a fe yrs ago , but they wouldn't let me get too close this year.

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