The wrong colour

This morning saw an early start for us on a saturday.

We're off on an emergency dash to newcastle for slight adjustments to a prom dress.

This should never have happened really, we should have gone to see my auntie to start with but I didn't think. I also knew a very good seamstress who i've used before so i wish i had gone to her too. All experience and knowledge to be gained and learnt upon. The main lesson learnt is not to bow to pressure and do what your instinct tells you.

This prom has been a major learning curve, thank goodness its only the once.

So off we set to newcastle, dress in the back, daughter in the front a pleasant journey over. We arrived dead on time. 10 o clock was the eta and 10 o click it was. My lovely auntie set to work to perform her magic and 2 hours later we had a prom dress my daughter was happy with.

It was a lovely morning, we caught up and realised how long it was since we last visited which would be over 20 years which is quite terrible.

I said i would get the cotton to do the alterations i thought it would do! But my auntie to the rescue again she had lots of cotton and had a perfect match as i had the wrong colour.

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