'Uniting against Breast cancer'

Today has been a lazy day following our achievment yesterday. It's been a day of rest and reflection.

Stiffness has not been too bad, obviously there but not restricting much movement. Funnily enough i maybe should have had a little short walk just to loosen up. Blisters have been noticeable but not unbearable so the needle hasn't yet been required - yet.

On reflection today, following yesterdays statement of never again, I think I might! I'd change a few things tho. I wouldn't stay over at all, i would go on the day as late as possible but allowing time for delay. I wouldn't take a packed bag to collect the next morning then that way I wouldn't need to sit around all night, i could go for 10.30 and only have an hour or so to wait for set off.

I would prepare a little better for hills although i didn't think we did too bad. I would buy an open ticket for the train so I could catch the first train home. I would choose a partner without planta fasily whatever it is or sciatica! (only joking my friend!).

And today I would do it again, I'm looking on the website already and my friend has also said she would do it again.

So, as the medal says we will be 'uniting against breast cancer'.

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