Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Angel Messages

Got in a bit late last night, so had to backblip yesterday's

I've always believed that when a feather shows up in my personal space that it's a message from an angel. I noticed this feather on one of my outside chairs yesterday but the day was hectic so didn't do anything about it , and then this morning it was standing up straight as if to really grab my attention more.

Angel feathers signify different things at different times. When there are many feathers, or feathers arranged in such away that it does not look random the angel involved is really calling out to you to get your attention, like a text messages from the spirit world.

When I'm unsure of the actual message, I take the feather or one of the feathers and place it in my purse or under my pillow for up to 5 days and see what dreams, repeated voice messages or insights I receive. (That is, if the feather is clean). It may also be a signpost for something that they are doing, or even like. It's a reminder that I am safe and being looked after by my angels.

Of course many of you may think like my teenaged son, and say it's just a random bird that has lost it's feather and will feel slightly colder for it.

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