Looks like a Pansy!

I always think Pansies smile at you! This one looks like an old man with a moustache! Perhaps its Uncle Norman (my childrens great Uncle). 

No one is sure when he died. He was found face down on the sitting room floor. The Police think he had been dead for 2 or 3 days. Its so sad to think he was all alone. 

So if you have an elderly neighbour, will you keep an eye on them? 

Popped to John Lewis this afternoon for some fabric for my mums kitchen blind and Sympathy cards for the family. Im not sure if I like Sympathy cards but I feel it was the right thing to do. They made my coffee far too hot! And the queues far too long!

Then pottered in the garden like an old lady, tying Roses back and killing slugs!

Hope you all had a nice weekend.


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