
Took Christine for a taste of the seaside at Whitstable this afternoon. Walked around the harbour, the craft shops, promenade and seafront, enjoying an ice cream - I had one of those oyster shell ice creams, haven't seen or enjoyed one of those for a long time. Quite an appropriate one to have given that Whitstable is one of THE places for oysters in the country.

Our visit co-incided with low tide, so there was not much activity at the sailing club, only a few hardy souls at the bar and some intrepid sailors way out at sea beyond the mudflats. Lovely though Whitstable is, it is not at it's best at low tide. It was busy though, lots of people enjoying various shellfish, ice-creams, beer and the like.

The morning had seen us walk into town for the now almost obligatory cup of coffee at Pop's cafe, this time supplemented by a large slice of coffee and walnut cake which we shared. Chris came back on the bus, carrying the wine, but we walked back through Mote Park.

Fishcakes and salad for dinner, home made fishcake dipped in sweet chilli sauce and our own lettuce from the allotment, finished off with strawberries from there too. I picked over 4lbs of the fruit, many of them being extremely large.

Watched Mike Oldfield's "Exposed" DVD from 1979 - we went to that concert at Wembley Area. Discovered one of our favourite musicians, Phil Beer from Show of Hands, was one of the other two leading guitarists appearing on stage with Mike.

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