
After an extremely wet night we woke up to just constant rain. Joined the queue for the bread van, remarking that this was just like summer back home, except that the rain was warmer.

Fresh croissants a baguette and fresh coffee got us going and we headed out in the rain to tour the area. Lovely villages with their warm coloured stone - all in pristine condition. Lovely views over the rivers. Cliffs and river bends.

Delicious lunch at Limeuil where the Dordogne and the Viseres combine. A ham and cheese galette and a salad with maigret of duck were just what we needed.

Took some remote rural roads to head back "home" and came across some fields of these large ducks. There were hundreds and hundreds of them. No doubt in time they will form future lunches. But they formed an impressive sight and I like this shot of them even though it does not show the scale of the numbers.

Just as we got back mid-afternoon the clouds began to lift and the sun break through.

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