
By cate1

Aosta valley

The archaeological studies (extra blip) showed the original cathedral in Aosta dated back to the 4th century, but this current cathedral was built at the beginning of the 11th C overlays the ancient church.  Many alterations took place over the centuries, including the construction of a new façade between 1522 and 1526, whose portico was decorated with frescos and Lombard-styled terracotta sculptures. I love the little door inside the much larger one.   I didn't visit the inside of the church as a service was taking place.
In the afternoon we drove deep into a valley to a little village , Coigne, noted for its nearby waterfalls.  Whilst climbing up to one we saw these climbers on this wall (look carefully) and on getting closer then saw this family who had cleared a piece of land on which to grow their vegetables.  I've no idea how they got their vehicle up to this point as there is no road, only paths.   A very interesting day, completed with a lovely meal in Aosta itself. The reason we had gone there was to meet up with an Australian couple whom we had met in Mazamet last year.

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