Bold And Brave

In the mail today was a postcard from Japan. I thought it might be from the Zigster, because I don't know anyone else in Japan. Mum said it couldn't be because he doesn't have our snail mail address. Anyway, it was very nice with geishas on it and from K, who is a perfect stranger to us.

Our very nice Blipfoto friend chrissel introduced us to postcrossing a couple of weeks ago. Send a postcard to a random person in the world and receive one postcard from another random person. So far we have gotten cards from Malaysia, Russia, Japan, Czech Republic, Thailand, Germany and more. We enjoy checking our mailbox every day.

Our friend Maria walked with us today and helped mum filming a bit while we did our routine. Maybe one of these days...I am lobbying hard.

These boy cows, or says mum, bull calves, were waiting for us at the end of our walkie, which still goes through their pen. They have doubled their size since we last saw them. I dared this picture, and then we walked through their meadow, with them curiously watching us. Niemas problemas.

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