
By nicky


There is quite an art to displaying food in Japanese restaurants. Fake food would be considered quite tacky in the UK but it's big business over here and a real work of art.

And before anyone asks, we didn't eat at this restaurant today - we had sushi in a restaurant where the specials were delivered by a model Shinkansen (Bullet train)!

The extra photos are of the Swimming Pool exhibit (by Leandro Erlich) at the Kanagawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art...

"In one of the museum’s courtyards is a swimming pool framed by a limestone deck. When viewed from the deck, the pool appears to be filled with deep, shimmering water. In fact, however, a layer of water only some 10cm deep is suspended over transparent glass. Below the glass is an empty space with aquamarine walls that viewers can enter. The work sets up an unfolding sequence of experiences, from our astonishment at peering down and finding people under the water to our gazing upward from the interior of the pool. While undermining our everyday assumptions about what we think to be obvious, the work invites our active involvement in its spaces—once we catch on to its deception—and produces a sense of connection between people looking at each other."

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