Mote Park lake in the evening sunshine

Finished the pond today but the last section proved the most difficult, squeezed close to the fence with a high bank of soil which kept falling into the water and stones that I couldn't get to go together well or be stable. Completed in the end but with muddy water which will no doubt settle in time. I've not posted a shot yet, waiting now till plants are in the pond and the surrounding soil has been planted up.

A productive day too, completed lots of tasks from the ongoing list including ordering a new mobile phone as I've had the iPhone 5 for two years now. Was going to go for the 5s but was given a good deal on the 6, so looking forward to seeing what it's like.

Our evening walk took us through Mote Park and eventually to the allotment where we were able to do some watering when those who had attached their hoses to the tap let us fill our watering cans. A much better day today, lots more sunshine, great light but still a touch cool. Susan counted over 60 geese passing along the shore beyond the boat. I wonder where they were going or doing?

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