The rain has to end sometime, surely? This was taken during a blissful early evening gap in the rain, when I was able to take a short break on a soggy chair and look at the damage to the garden. Most things are holding up surprisingly well, but I think the gerbera has had enough, and the baby lettuces have been beaten into submission.
No sleep last night. I tried putting the Archers on, but kept jerking out of my trance with the sound of cows, doorbells and telephones. And then as the final straw a huge crash on the window at 2am (not the Archers' fault - maybe a clap of lightning?) and I was wide awake until 7. Grumpy. Still, the curtains I made for the school worked better than expected, so that's something.
Later a long facetime with MrB on his birthday. He seemed to have had a bit of a rubbish day - all his office pals had gone to Saudi so he was alone with the endless fire alarms, but hopefully we brought him some end of day cheer (I think the tsing tao beer might have been helping too).
We will give him a proper birthday-day when he is back in a few weeks.
(This spell of him being away is going so much slower than the last one.)
There are a bunch of backblips if you feel like it.
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