Wet wet wet
It rained all day. When I looked out of the window this morning it was just overcast and drizzling, and I have to admit to a little homesickness when I saw that familiar weather. We don't get much drizzle here - more often the extremes of sun or downpours. And so the rest of the day was given over to downpours, but we are forecast a return to sun tomorrow and I predict that by Thursday's blip I will be complaining about watering the garden again.
Another sleepless (though slightly less so) night. No curtain making today as the curtains I have to take down and line, are held in by screws so tight that I can't budge them.
Lots of internet searching and ordering, some accommodation booking (though golf has scuppered our perfect plan to spend a night in Gullane in July) and, latterly, some baking. The kids were rather delighted that their 'perfect mother' (their words, not mine) had fresh cookies and milk waiting for gouter (well, not really waiting, but they were ready 10 minutes after they got home...) Later it turned out that TallGirl sometimes likes the colour peach, and will tolerate buying a dress! (Let's see if she wears it...)
Later still, the builder arrived to discuss work for this weekend, and I forgot to ask him the important gap-filling question because it was raining too hard to go outside, and later even still TallGirl got to find out what happened after Ross said Rachel, and CarbBoy found out he likes The Jackson 5.
Tomorrow no-one has school (except that I will have to go and wrestle with the curtain pole with a better ladder and better tools - too wet today for the 'ladder poking out of the convertible' option) so we will have a lazy day. Hurrah.
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