
By CleanSteve

The river Dart near Ashburton, south Devon

We met our hostess when she prepared a wonderful fried breakfast for us.  she had been away at a wedding when we arrived yesterday.  Helena went off to start her cookery course and Kate and I chatted and found mutual acquaintances from years gone by, and talked about life in the media these days, which is hard going.

I then headed ff to explore the local area as we were just on the edge of Dartmoor.  I drove a couple of miles up the valley of the river Dart and spotted a good place to park close to the river bank.  I love scenes like this and hoped to see some wildlife but was disappointed.  Except for a single white-throated dipper, which would normally excite anyone as they are quite rare, I saw very few birds at all under the canopy of the trees beside the river. But at home I can see a dipper any day of the week on our local river, so although I was pleased to see one, it wasn't quite what I'd hoped for.

I walked along the banks and under an ancient granite road bridge until I could go no further. At this spot I tried to catch the atmosphere and the reflections in this still section of the river.  Mostly it was tumbling over masses of stones but here the pool produced a very quiet atmosphere.

I then went to pick up Helena and we went to visit Torbryan where her family once lived centuries ago.  We had a drink in the 13th century pub next to the lovely church which we then explored.  Beside the church this old telephone box was looking decidedly ancient as well, surrounded by long grass and next to the rather sad thatched roof of the pub's extension.  I have put a cpicture of the phonebox in my 'Extra photos'.

Then we drove to meet my friend Dave in Totnes before heading home along the Devon coast north towards Exeter and then the road home.  A fun weekend.

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