Lichfield Cathedral

As well as being one of England's most frequently forgotten and most beautiful cathedrals, Lichfield is hard to photograph.

I've used the wide angle setting on my Lumix and tried to get most of it in, from the approach from the town, along Dam Street.  I loved the richness of the stone and the blue sky - but it still doesn't do it justice.

If you've never visited this wonderful place, may I suggest that it is well worth a detour.

I was in Lichfield all day for an excellent NADFAS study day on "The Operas of Mozart". I love the music. I'm fascinated by the contradictions and ambiguity of "Don Giovanni" and "Cosi fan Tutte" - and it was lovely to spend a day with fascinating people who are also addicted.

"Don Giovanni" on July 3rd, the last night of the current run, with Christopher Maltman in the title role. Can't wait.

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