Katie the cuddler

5years 238days
18months ago, our wonderful blip friend wrote this poem about and for Katie. "Katie the cuddler". The challenge was to include Katie, kangaroos, monkeys and bunnies. It's a wonderful read. I found it yesterday and Katie read it tonight at bedtime. She had forgotten about it and it made her laugh a lot.

This weekend in her homework she was learning about adjectives. She decided to do an extra piece of work- a picture of herself and a mind map of adjectives to describe herself. She included, amongst others, "amazing, curly, cheeky, pretty, small, bouncy, happy". Her teacher wrote in her reading record "the adjectives- wow! Are you sure you're only in the foundation stage Katie?!" She laughed a lot at "silly Mr A!" She's on quite a mission at the moment. We have the app squeebles and she's begging for spelling tests. She doesn't even play the reward game. Just wants to do the tests! She skipped around the house singing "yeyyy a test! A new spelling test!" while I prepared a new one for her this afternoon. Love my little loon!

Granny and grandad came for tea. Katie and grandad went in the garden. She decided it would be amusing to wash her head with the hose pipe. Thankfully she thought it as funny afterwards. We ate tea and they headed off to play one of her favourite board games in her room. They played as her, grandad, granny, mama and uncle simon. Uncle Simon won. I came second. I did well! Especially considering I was downstairs. But it didn't seem to matter to Katie. She was as thrilled for me in my mock victory as if I had actually come second!

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