twinned with trumpton


Slept in (OK, not fatally) and then a team meeting. You know that it can only get better. And it did! Ploughed through a pile of work with great efficiency and then at lunchtime made my way to view some mantlepieces
masterpieces at the Water of Leith bistro in my role as royal accomplice.

We admired and chatted and laughed and blipped and then home via the badlands and some poncy new leisure / gym / godknowswhat for a blip. Urban Village Leisure or something? .

Tried to work but migraine fucked that, so now I still have a massive list still to complete and less time to do it all in....  So a quiet evening for once.

 Extra photos - shows progress on the book unpacking (Billy now has some mates) and wot I woz trying to shoot over the wall.

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